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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Month hiatus from the BS. Corona gonna do us all in, so may as well start the thread now before shit hits the fan. Looks like Winter decided that it wants to make an appearance just as we move into Spring. Tulips maybe crying for there mamas on Tuesday. The set up is not bad. We'll have a nice fresh press of cold air as a high pressure noses in from Canada just prior to the storm traversing across the southern states and emerging off the coast of VA/NC and coming up the coast. Plenty of detes to be sorted through but something to pass the time while we're all sitting hope playing pocket pool. 12z OP Euro @ 500MB 06z GEFS SLP
  2. What the hell did I say about @Dryslot to deserve that?
  3. If this isn't the pot calling the kettle black.
  4. No one is pounding/hounding anyone for wanting to discuss snow. If you can't deal with an opposing position than the issue is with you.
  5. My apologies. Where 90% of the New England population live.
  6. Why? Who's panicking? We're diuscussing a shit pattern from now towards the end of the month. What should we be discussing? Unicorns and Show Ponies?
  7. LOL, I was just going to to post the exact same thing.
  8. Only took till the 9th day of February to pull off a negative departure day.
  9. I don’t need anything. I’m fine with whatever the atmosphere decides to dish out day to day. Stop wish casting snow.
  10. Posting maps without any backing discussion has historically been grounds for a warning
  11. One of my winter peeves. I’d love to throttle all those who are lazy and not clean off their entire vehicles. MA has a law for it with fines.
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