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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Wtf. 25F. Growing season in reverse here. 7 days in a row now below 32F. 6 of those in the 20s. 16/21 days at or below freezing as well.
  2. Nothing wrong with that. It’s processed poop from Milwaukee
  3. Didn’t see any obs thread till I woke up this AM. Sorry some of us work during the day and sleep at night.
  4. It snowed. Changed over around 3am. Still snowing lightly now. 2”
  5. Right along the frontal boundary. Looks like our little critter gets a little shot of juice from the Atlantic as it exits
  6. The forcing along the warm front looks intriguing. Has the makings of a narrow but intense band of snow wherever that ends up.
  7. Oh for sure, I’m not expecting a 10:1 snow. We’re lucky to get in winter. Seeing 3-4” in late April around here is a rare event so my interest is piqued for that.
  8. It is and in normal winter modeling the actual snowfall Jack zones will be north of where modeling shows it.
  9. Agreed. We’ve seen models trend worse for us throughout this season. This has gone the other way, improving as we get closer. Thes early 18z runs look interesting. This looks like a flash over to a paster for 6-8hrs.
  10. Euro looked like it mostly held serve vs 00z
  11. When the GFS comes around, it’s go time
  12. https://belmont.craftbeercellar.com
  13. So since we can’t golf, we set ablaze golf clubhouses. https://www.wcvb.com/article/three-alarm-fire-rips-through-reading-golf-club/32183256
  14. Sold that 45 days ago, prior to pandemic.
  15. Saw frost this AM. Actually had a hard freeze with temp bottoming out at 26F.
  16. How about confidence? Is this a slam dunk or is it riddled with caution flags?
  17. Not enthused for anything noteworthy here. Looks best north and west and elevation dependent.
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