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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. What a miserable day. Rain, drizzle, wind, cold.
  2. It did end up being a nice day. I did not spend as much time as I’d would have liked outside, maybe an hour total. I had to work yesterday measuring a house for a new clients project and working on another clients ongoing project progressing that one along. Going to be doing the same today. For as much that is going on with this disease, we are still relatively busy with our personal work getting calls from people wanting to do additions/renovations. This would normally have been our vacation week. My daughter was getting picture notifications of our past ones to Paris and Ireland. Makes me yearn for the next one. It’s great to see the pollution levels dropping and being able to see things we’ve likely never been able see from afar before. I’ve been eyeing that series. I’ll take a look. I typically relinquish the TV to my wife so she can watch what she wants. We like mostly the same shows but there are others she has no desire to watch.
  3. Yeah, quite possibly. I have some sporadic areas of that but it never gets that large.
  4. Lol. Got to 67F Yesterday but still pulled off a -2.8 due to low of 28F.
  5. You believe 10:1 snow maps in late April?
  6. We have that in common. Loathe it. Being around it and the smells make me nauseous.
  7. Where are the storms? Had about a 10 min downpour and a couple small gusts.
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