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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. 64F today 59F yesterday 62F on Tuesday
  2. 34F for low with just under 1/10”. Solidly neggy dep yesterday even with topping out at 59F.
  3. Glad we moved into the current century and had central AC installed. No more noisy machines.
  4. 30F. Feels more like we are in Fall
  5. Pulled off a -5F departure yesterday. -13F flip from the previous day
  6. Those were out in March. We’re on to daffodil destroyer
  7. No. They’re programmable thermostats so you set them to what levels you want during the time periods you want. It’s not like I’m going to freeze at this time of year if I go away, so it doesn’t matter if it’s set to cool. I usually set my temp to around 70 for both heating and cooling. It just feels the best. Some days if it’s one of those real cold windy days I’ll override a bit warmer and conversely if it’s one of those hot/humid days in the 90s I’ll drop the temp a few degrees to help the system a bit.
  8. Thermostats have 3 settings. Heat/Cool/Off. Heating system is radiant via oil and cooling system is electric with air handler in attic and condenser outside. It’s a 2 zone system for both, 1st floor and 2nd floor.
  9. Another reason to use AC at night and not have windows open, is pollen. Don’t care for a house full of it and have 3 people who have seasonal allergies sneezing all day from it. A little open windows during the day for a bit is ok but not good for the sinuses.
  10. Forecast is for 63F here tomorrow. 57F Wednesday 54F Thursday 58F Friday 3 out of 4 close to 60 this work week.
  11. Why? Was in the 70s today. House is sitting at 73F now without any heat.
  12. Further North where the Wild Things are.
  13. 3rd day in a row of 70+. What a flip from a week ago. Like 15-20F flip in departures.
  14. They were open as was the slider and doors.
  15. Fine by me. House was up to 75F
  16. We flipped the switch to AC Saturday.
  17. A couples trees and we’re full leaf out. Not even close here.
  18. Warm, but not part of the New England area.
  19. Yeah, my entire lawn/yard is in need of professional help. Need ps dethatching, aeration, denser grass, less weeds, beds, edging, mulch. You name it, it needs it.
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