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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Up to 68F now. Should make it into low 80s.
  2. We do not. The nearest natural gas line is almost a mile away. Kind of annoyed the developer who built the development did not run the lines into it. They did have to run sewer though. I'm not looking for any assistance. i was just pointing out that Masssave does not partner with municipal gas/lighting companies. Perhaps TMLP is a rare case that does not and others do. There are quite a few cities/towns with Municipal Gas and/or Lighting Companies. https://www.mass.gov/info-details/massachusetts-municipally-owned-electric-companies
  3. I see NStar and National Grid are the the utilities for Brookline. Those are not Municipal Utilities. What Municipal utility does Brookline have? This has been my Electric supplier for the last 20 years. They have no partnership with Masssave. https://www.tmlp.com/
  4. You said people were getting sick? I don’t here stories of that today. Majority of houses built today have heating and cooling and have to be designed to exchange outside air with the inside air. No sick house syndrome like the past.
  5. Only available in communities without municipal utilities.
  6. It costs me less to run my whole house AC then it did to run 3 window units. Costs me like $30/mo to run during the peak summer months of July-August compared to almost double that when I had the window units.
  7. You ever heard of Pollen allergies? Everyone in our house has them. Our house is surrounded by trees and grass. I prefer to not have that shit in my house. I’m able to open my windows in vehicle as I see fit. The AC in my office was off most of the day and we did not turn it on until about 2pm when it had gotten up to 78F and that was with the windows open. It was uncomfortable at that level. Throw the AC on for 15-20min and the temp dropped to a comfortable level. Sucks you’ve had a checkered history with AC. As far as rain, I’ve had less then 1/10” in the last 10 days. It washed away little.
  8. It’s brutal right now between the trees and grasses. High of 82F, but down to 64F now. AC not running now as house has cooled off.
  9. pollen wafting thru the house covering everything and clogging sinuses up is not appetizing. We clean cool filtered air, keeping us dry.
  10. Looks like seabreaze boundary is right along Rt 128 S of BOS.
  11. Glad we live around one like that.
  12. So what ASOS data should we trust?
  13. That too as people actually follow him.
  14. Back to the office last week, but I've been working full time from home during all of this, plus we have our own 2nd business we own that keeps me busy nights and weekends.
  15. That sucks. We had a neighbor behind us shoot off some around 3pm, which set of our dog. He's hates fireworks.
  16. Must be nice to not have to work and to be able to be outdoors during the week I've been working and this past weekend blew donkey chucks. Cold/raw/windy/drizzle.
  17. Never heard of a joint life insurance policy. If it’s cheaper then individual policies and the coverage is good, I wouldn’t see why not to go with it.
  18. Holy crap! Took till 2pm, but there are a few breaks in the clouds.
  19. Not holding my breath on seeing the sun today.
  20. He did a charity hole that they aired after the event where he had to get a bogey or better for a 100k donation. His swing was not that brutal start/stop crap he’s been known for. He ended up with like. 10’ putt for bogey that just missed.
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