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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. 54 for the low here. Currently 57/54
  2. Close to 1/2” now. We take. Sill a huge deficit to make up from last month though.
  3. Would be nice. Just past 0.3” for these storms.
  4. Damn. I just past 2” since May 1st with today’s rains. ~2.12”
  5. Your an island in a sea of abnormally dry conditions in the last 30-45 days.
  6. Nice little drink. Couple rumbles. Couple tenths of rain.
  7. It’s about as muggy as it ever gets in full sunshine. 82/70. Feel we will see some good storms out this was with lingering boundary from early AM storms.
  8. I had a HT for the 1st time in a few years and I was not as impressed as the 1st time I had it. There are so many great local brewers that I’ll patronize them. Hoping to get outside today or do some yard work, but it’s soaking wet right now.
  9. One last downpour rolling through now.
  10. Couple tenths overnight. Enough to soak in and keep lush grass going
  11. Pictures from protest. It was a peaceful one with several hundred protesters. Ended when 2 Officers took a knee in solidarity. I did not hear of any arrests, violence, or looting. https://www.tauntongazette.com/photogallery/WL/20200605/NEWS/605009997/PH/1
  12. Damn, just cracked 70F here at noon. 72/66
  13. 1st day it's felt summery. 86/61
  14. Damn straight you should have. https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/04/sport/drew-brees-apology-nfl-spt-intl/index.html
  15. I don't have a problem with Athletes using their stature to raise awareness, but his comments were selfish, insensitive, and out of touch.
  16. I hope everything is OK. Been there, done that.
  17. 55F for my low, up to 70F now. Dews in the low 60s.
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