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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. You have to be joking? Wherewas this heat wave? I only had one 90F + for the entire month. -1.6F for the month here.
  2. Umm, that’s what this thread was specifically created for. You expecting something different here?
  3. No doubt it’s warmer inland. It becomes memorable when we see a lot of places tossing out upper nineties. A couple spots is pretty par for the course in any given summer season.
  4. Not top 5-10 hottest here at all. I see TAN popped a 93F. Wake me up when I start see 98-99F here.
  5. Slow creep. 80/70. Until we mix out these higher dews, temps won’t launch.
  6. If you head up 93 thru NH, there are a bunch in the Derry area. 603, White Birch, my buddies at Kelsen, Rockingham.
  7. Foam Brewers Frost Beer Works Burlington Beer Company Lost Nation Those are all in the Burlington area though.
  8. Yeah, I have a Kousa now. It's done wonderfully. Blooms a bit later then other Dogwoods I see around. Nice white blooms with some tinges of pink in there. Fruit is red as well. Looks like red-twig is the same species. I had one when I lived in Middleboro and I just loved the bright red in WInter. https://www.mortonarb.org/trees-plants/tree-plant-descriptions/red-osier-dogwood
  9. This is my ongoing list of plants I'm looking into. Some I already have in my yard. I'm going to wait till the Fall at this point to plant anything given we are in the middle of our dry season. Plants/Shrubs for year round color Spring: Plum/Cherry Crocus Forsythia Daffodils/Jonquils Hyacinths Iris Forsythia Lilac Quince Kousa Dogwood Carpet Phlox Wegeila Bleeding Heart Summer: Astilbe Hosta Rhododendron Azalea Roses Hydrangea Summersweet Coneflower Black-eyed Susan Day Lilies Aster Sage Gayfeather Lavender Shasta Daisy Bee Balm Tenor Phlox Butterfly Bush Fall Ornamental Grasses Mums Violets Dianthus Burning Bush Barberry Winter Winterberry Purple Beautyberry Red Twig Dogwood
  10. Those look good. I'm looking to start designing plantings that I want for my front beds that were just done. I'm looking to have year round color/interest thru flowers,shrubs.
  11. Yeah, I said to him the other day as we got closer and the signal for big heat was still there, go ahead and create a thread.
  12. If you were ever to peek in the old lodge, you'd see the menu board still reads from when it closed. cool yet eerie at the same time
  13. That's a great story. I was a youngin' when I skied Evergreen. 6-7 yrs old. Warm winters, no snow-making, and bad financial deals doomed the place. http://www.nelsap.org/me/evergreen.html Pleasant Mountain is the highest summit along that monolith. Some nice hikes I'd recommend there. Nice views up on top where old fire tower is. https://www.loonecholandtrust.org/places-we-protect/preserves/pleasant-mountain-preserve/ Looks like Schrader is technically in Denmark. I believe I've told this story before but my family has long roots in Denmark. They used to own a lot of the land around the south end of Moose Pond.
  14. Yeah, it's a big fishing mecca. My buddy, whose family has a place over in Lovell on Heald Pond, thinks that pond could hold a record Bass in it. What little I fished in Moose, I never caught a Bass. Sunfish, Perch, and Catfish. Maybe a couple lbs tops.
  15. Literally grew up skiing that mountain. There used to be a T-Bar across the street from the Main Lodge where they would have lessons. I also took lessons Sunday River, long before the days of it being the behemoth it is now. The South Ridge area had a lone T-Bar and that's where I'd go. The last place I learned was at Evergreen Valley, which closed in the early 80s. That photo location looks lite it's directly across from our beach area.
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