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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. 0.00" at my house and 0.33" at TAN. Only 3/4 mi away. That 0.33" fell in a 20min span.
  2. TAN just tossed out a couple 32C readings. So looks like we may have a 6 day heat wave now.
  3. 88/73 currently at TAN. 90F should not be a problem.
  4. HYA looks to be running warm. 87F currently. The other stations around are 6F cooler.
  5. One think out of the ordinary this year in my yard has been the number of pine cones that have come down. I have a couple on the perimeter and they've dropped thousands of them each of varying size and maturity. No acorns though. House up in Maine was a different story. Acorns everywhere.
  6. one year anniversary https://www.wcvb.com/article/1-year-ago-3-tornadoes-touch-down-on-cape-cod/33394244
  7. Little more then 1/2" of rain here the entire month. Thankfully days are getting shorter and we can look forward to AM dews on the grass soon.
  8. So I did hit 90F today. Shooting for day 6 tomorrow.
  9. TAN has held the Golden Torch award the last couple days.
  10. May have just popped 90F. 32C/89.6F at TAN currently.
  11. You wouldn't catch me in a bar right now. Not going ti risk that level. I've eaten inside a couple times though and both times there were only a few people.
  12. If it's not 990' in CT, then you're at sea level.
  13. Us foreigners don't interact with the ME yokels. We keeps to ourselves.
  14. As we've all known for quite some time. 3 simple things can virtually stop this pandemic in its tracks. Washing hands. Mask Wearing. Social Distancing 'https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1003166
  15. How's that going to work with leaves on the trees? Last time I checked in those nature books, deciduous trees loose their leaves long before Winter.
  16. 12:20 91.4 62.6 71.6 39 4.6 NW 29.93 29.98 Clear 10.00 91F at TAN
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