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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Odds are forever in his favor on NBD here. It takes a precise track to make TCs meaningful in New England. Let's stick to model analysis and lay off calling people out.
  2. See if we can hit 90F today. Doubt it with the clouds. 72/70. Moist out but no rain.
  3. Bullseye 5 days out wreaks of confidence of a direct hit.
  4. This last heatwave really cranked up the departure. +4.7F now. Only one day in the last 2 weeks with a high below 90F. Today should be the last.
  5. Pools, rivers, and lakes over ocean all day every day. Only time ocean is nice is when your in the tropics. It sucks around here with all the plant life and murkiness. Give me crystal clear water where I can see 100’ in all directions.
  6. Best heat has been just NW of TAN today. May have tickled 90F.
  7. Last of the clouds are moving out of SE MA, so we should start seeing a jump in the temps.
  8. I'd hedge that way as well unless we see some weakening in that ridging dvelop.
  9. If there is a surface low, it would be.
  10. I had my annual follow-up with my Hematologist back in April. Was a tele-health appointment. I had to get my blood drawn at a local place beforehand. I can understand the fear from patients whose immune systems are compromised while they undergo chemo/radiation therapies for not wanting to venture into these hospitals that are also treating Covid patients. My father-in-law is currently doing chemo for a Glio that was diagnosed in March just as the shit was hitting the fan. That was a surreal time for them, going to Yale-New Haven Hospital for initial diagnosis and surgery and follow-up at Lawrence-Memorial.
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