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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. That's good news for the economy there. We must have about 1000 units, between our 4 biggest clients alone, that we have coming. It's never been this busy in the 25 years I have been doing this. Nuts.
  2. Perhaps this https://www.livescience.com/52001-common-mullein-herb-plant-photos.html
  3. Got about 5 rain drops this AM. Fizzle. These 1st 2 weeks have been a furnace here. Not a single below normal day thus far. These last 3 have been nuts. +12.3F/+13.9F/+13.5F.
  4. Maybe one more 90F day in the tank. Gotta clear out these early AM clouds. 73/68. Think TAN saw like 5 rain drops this AM. Sitting at +7.4F thru 12 days.
  5. Brodie, I think one of the 1st times I ever skied was there. I have fleeting memories of sleeping overnight there and using a rope tow. I think I was like 4-5.
  6. I’m a Residential Design Specialist. New construction, renovations and additions. Slammed, working around 70-80hrs a week between main job and side job. That’s what I’m hearing too on materials. Limited supplies and prices are outrageous.
  7. Why is hiring frozen? Either they’re hiring or they’re not. Manual construction labor is in demand now. I have to wait 2+ months to get work done on our house.
  8. Residential construction is booming. Not enough labor to be had.
  9. 14:15 95.0 69.8 76.7 44 9.2 SW 29.93 29.98 Mostly Cloudy 10.00 5000 95F
  10. It does. A lot of the swampy. marshy areas of SE MA can do well for heat and radiating.
  11. 91/70 now. Doing the heat wit the dews.
  12. Eric Clapton was in the band before Paige and Beck were. Some good British Blues out of that era.
  13. We high risk in this area for the EEE this year, even with the dry conditions. Plenty of bodies of water for mosquito's to breed.
  14. I’m in line with 2018 on number of 90F days
  15. 77/72 right now. Mid 90s shouldn’t be a problem today.
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