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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Glad you like them, they are a nice tree. There were pictures of the 2 of them in the text I sent you, one has grown faster then the other. I'm thinking they'll grow another 10-15 feet and expand their canopies. I've really started no notice the impacts of having the shade under them too. My front lawn burns out less and less each year now.
  2. Agree it has to be kept in check. Loves to offshoots underground that need to be cutback.
  3. Yep. Always do better on southerly and easterly events.
  4. And my house relative to TAN. 1mi away. Its a damn good representation of where I live.
  5. Why buy a weather station when I have a high precision piece of equipment that blows any home weather station out of the water? And the station sits ~500' away from any asphalt.
  6. Measly +12.1F departure yesterday. Run of the mill. +12 on the high and +12 on the low. Look at that, I also set a daily record high of 92F for the date.
  7. Just pulled up the >80F and >90F stats as well. #1 and #2 on the list.
  8. Loot at that. July and August fall in the top 5 for warmest months for me.
  9. What did the 3 months of winter end up combined? I’m at +4.3 for the Summer. My 3 combined winter months was. -3.5, so this summer has that winter beat by a solid 1F. This doesn’t include today’s departure either.
  10. Completely paved it to look like Logan
  11. Yep. I was told summer was over, yet I just had a 4 day heatwave with +7-10F departures. Wake me up when I have an extended period, 1-2weeks of normal departures, then we can hoist the ACATT banners.
  12. NW flow is where it's at in SNE for some of our best severe events.
  13. 11 out of 25 days this month at or above 90F. Funny today ended up being the warmest of the 4. 92F.
  14. When our neighborhood was developed the landscape contractor planted a Bradford Pear in every front yard. Makes for a nice Spring appearance when the blooms come out. I have since put in a Himalayan Birch, 2 Sunset Maples, a Kousa Dogwood and most recently, a Plum, a couple years back. Lack of rain has put a clear strain on the Birch. It;'s lost quite a bit of leaves over the last couple weeks and a couple branches looks like they may have died off. Hoping its the lack of rain and not something else. The trees were not cheap. They were 8-10' delivered from the nursery (Briggs).
  15. Our neightbor has a Tulip Tree they planted about 15 years ago. It's gotta be 20'+ now. I'll send you a shot of that as well.
  16. I have a Kousa Dogwood. I planted it on my SW corner of my house about 10-12 years ago. It's about 12-15' high right now. I'll send you a photo.
  17. Almost there. 11:20 89.6 68.0 74.2 49 11.5 W 29.65 29.70 Clear 10.00
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