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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Sad but Darwin award winner. https://www.boston.com/uncategorized/local-news/2020/08/31/man-dies-tubing-maine-sebago-lake
  2. I heat my hot water with oil but its tankless. I don't want to have to deal with a tank.
  3. Got my vacation in July, which was nice. I'm lucky in that my jobs are not physically demanding. They' can be mentally challenging at time, which can be just as taxing. I don't want to work as much as I do but when people come calling, it's tough to turn away work, especially when a lot of the work repeat clients and referrals. Hopefully this leads to bigger/better things in the future. Right now it's focusing on helping our daughter advance her academics as she moves into post-secondary education a year from now.
  4. Coming in at #1 here, beating out 2005 by over 0.5F.
  5. Or maybe invest in getting central air. Hands down the best decision we made. We were luck that we had the entire house ducted when it was built so it made install that much easier. No more unsightly window units to obstruct your view.
  6. Yep. My house was a comfortable 70F. Had a fan running.
  7. Beautiful AM. 40s were well forecasted by local TV.
  8. Add another 4.57” deficit from January 1st. 8” deficit on the year.
  9. 3.44” deficit here for Summer I’m 2.25” below normal for this month. 1.93” below for July. Had a surplus of 0.74” in June.
  10. Well below normal precip for 30/60/90 day periods.
  11. I hear what your saying. 118” that winter here was epic but by the end it was “no mas”. I don’t like the extreme cold either. 20s are fine but I have no desire for days in the single digits or windy. I’ll take the rare radiator special when I drop below 0.
  12. Send rain here. Running 6”+ below normal over last 90 days. Only 6 below normal temp days this month.
  13. Scooter has joined the club. Welcome. No desire to have snow and cold lingering around. It can dump 36” and be gone the next day.
  14. I'm all tingly about the prospect of rain this weekend.
  15. 1/2” of rain on the day. Need another 2 weeks of these to recoup the lack of rain over the last 2 months.
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