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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. You promised a rainy pattern. We ain't seen shit and it's going to shit. Many do. Water tables, reservoirs and wells running low are not good. Driest year for TAN to date. 25.10", beating out 2016 now by almost a full 1".
  2. That's nice. Squall lines rarely pan out here and if they do it's not dropping anything substantial. Great for the South Coast, they need the rain too. Right now the GFS shows that about 100mi offshore.
  3. she gone. we dry potentially into mid-oct.
  4. I have no clue who a couple of those people are in those photos. I know Kev, Ray, Will, John, but the other 2 I don't know.
  5. I heard somewhere bleach is a good Covid treatment.
  6. Nice sunny AM. Saw some mammatus clouds too.
  7. Same. I was going 3-4 weeks between mowings
  8. +1.6F for Sept. and 3" below normal for precip. Beer me! Steined
  9. Stein took a couple body blows today but he's still standing strong.
  10. I think in this case it was the intensity of the s/w that messed with the model physics causing an over-abundance of QPF.
  11. At least the winds have somewhat panned out. 42mph.
  12. 1" every 24hrs for the next 2 weeks is what I'd love.
  13. This. After seeing 3-5" modeled by numerous models over the last couple days, it's underwhelming.
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