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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. If anyone has some money to toss down, this would be a pretty damn good spot for you snow weenies. Looks like the top of the hill is around 1,900'. https://sundayriverliving.com/merrill-hill/
  2. Has little to do with vegetation. It's about filling up the reservoirs and replenishing the watertable.
  3. Nope. Dry stretch upcoming for SNE. Need another 3-5” to call it.
  4. Fat lady hasn’t sung yet. Still need 2-3 more of these to put it to bed.
  5. https://www.sugarloaf.com/conditions-and-cams
  6. Because the weather has sucked foe the last 4mo between the heat and lack of rain. It’s aggravating. Equate my feelings to how many here feel with no snow.
  7. Broad-sided overnight. 1.71” and counting. Still a ways to go to eviscerate the precip deficit.
  8. Running 2-3” behind TAN driest year on record. That’s pretty remarkable to me.
  9. No, but to call it the end of a drought is disingenuous.
  10. Still Steined here. 1.82” MTD. Combine my last 4mo (July 1st to now) and I still have less then then 6”.
  11. Painful waiting for trough to amplify to deliver any rains here.
  12. No need for snow at my age. Throw in a rogue 18-24" snow, otherwise, let 'er torch.
  13. So if I pull up the drought monitor next week, it won’t show any drought conditions in the northeast?
  14. Yup. Received more rain in last 24hrs then I’ve received in each of the previous 3 months. Think about that for a bit.
  15. Some near zero vis driving on Rt 495. 1.4” now.
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