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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Obviously, but I'm not sure why 1-2 weeks is too much to ask.
  2. manky this AM. Low was in the mid 50s. Just about 60F now.
  3. Yup. I did the same for the 1st time this year. Not sure why it's such a hot issue. I would just make sure that it's stipulated that your ballot is postmarked no later then election day. However long it takes to count those votes after the election is irrelevant. Also irrelevant is how a State chooses to release that information to the media.
  4. Finish leaves? My oaks have barely changed color. They'll be on the trees for another 2-3 weeks.
  5. You’ll never look back. I deleted mine 3 years ago.
  6. Trumps down 93k votes with only 600k remaining to be counted. Based on remaining counties, highly unlikely he can overcome that deficit. Looks like MI is the endgame.
  7. Spending T-Day with my wife's family in CT. This will be her dads last T-Day, so we'd like to make it as normal as possible.
  8. Get out there and seize the day. Weather looks phenomenal for the near term. Get those Fall cleanups done.
  9. 70F is my top high for Friday. To hit 80F would be quite the feat.
  10. Bald Eagle siting just down the street at Massasoit State Park https://www.tauntongazette.com/news/20201102/kayak-lovers-spot-eagle-in-east-taunton
  11. 0.77” 3” over last 6 days 6.67” since oct 1st
  12. Another 1-2” coming over next 10days. Embrace it.
  13. We set up a couple long tubes from our side porch to send down to buckets. Kids love it. Normal year we would see several hundred kids. About 1/4 that this year.
  14. Thanks Mike. That makes the 3” number more meaningful. That’s closer to TAN then BOX. It’s right next to the High School. Drive by there often. Hope all is well with you. Miss seeing you on here from times past. Hope things are well with you and your keeping Legro in line there.
  15. You know where that site is/was? Current TAN is definitely not reflective of the City as a whole. I’ve seen wide variations in storms over a few miles in the time I’ve been here compared to the other side of town, over by BOX.
  16. 3” on 10/10 would be a #1 event for sure.
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