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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. I never said you did. Others are accusing them though.
  2. There's a difference between a healthy dose of skepticism vs accusing them of rushing a drug to market without checks/balances. Past history does not predict future outcomes or events.
  3. Which model to believe this week? GFS or Euro? They are night and day apart on rains.
  4. My bet is that is probably how long the efficacy will end up being. I see Covid as a more virulent strain of the Influenza virus and that vaccine lasts around that long as well.
  5. While you may not, there are many more high risk people that are and will be.
  6. Let's hope this pans out. https://www.cbs.com/shows/60_minutes/video/g5eZaC1o4AnUoONvOipkgVpCEM8FukNF/operation-warp-speed-planning-the-distribution-of-a-future-covid-19-vaccine/
  7. I have never felt anything as distinct/weird as that yesterday.
  8. Ditto. Felt nice walking the dog with the thick fog too.
  9. I blow the into the wooded area I have around my property. I rake as little as little as possible. Toughest part I have is wind and my property having a slope of about 8’ that I have from the street to the tree line that I have to blow the leaves up to.
  10. It’s vibrating solid ground, which will generate sound waves.
  11. Yard day today. Gutters too. Got attachment for power washer to reach over into.
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