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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Shawnee updates https://www.shawneepeak.com/news/november-update-mountain-projects/
  2. Seriously? It's almost 50F here. Oak leaves have infested everything.
  3. Wet. About 0.20" over last couple days and more today. Sitting at +8.5F MTD on temp. Still rocking the severe drought by some measures.
  4. https://www.newenglandoil.com/massachusetts/zone6.asp?x=0 10-15 cents cheaper at quick glance here
  5. It was brought up a couple days ago. Having the distribution mechanism in place is huge.
  6. Thanks. My wife has been going 1 day on the weekend since March to help hre mother out. I can't remember the last time I got to see him in person. I did speak briefly with him on Facetime when he came home from Hospital in March.
  7. Yeah, I have the stubborn oaks that love to stay on the trees into WInter. Lost about 1/3 though in one day. My Pear dropped a lot overnight as well. Just looked at the departures and TAN pulled off a +24F yesterday! +8F MTD.
  8. That suck Jerry. My FIL is the same. He's going on 8mo now since being diagnosed with a glioblastoma. We're in a holding pattern until the chemo stops working or he has some sort of stroke/aneurysm due to the swelling in his brain. We're planning on Thanksgiving in CT for a small gathering.
  9. Little over 1/10" overnight. Oak leaf drop commenced yesterday. Inches now cover the lawn.
  10. Pretty simplistic, but then you have to address those owners/workers lost wages/jobs and closed businesses.
  11. So both are in school 4 days? We'll be doing just 2. M-T in school, off W, and remote T-F.
  12. Our District did a phased in opening which started a few weeks back. My daughter is still at home since she's a senior and the last cohort to go back. She starts December 7th. All teachers have been teaching from the classroom since day 1 though. The workload is back to as if they were in class so she's definitely busy, and learning, which is a plus. I feel for families with younger kids who have to work. No idea how that gets accomplished if you have to go to work and schools are remote. It's a mess.
  13. Karen and Ken know no party. They just like to complain.
  14. Thank god they are not in my daily circle of life.
  15. I never stated the Sturgis and Trump rallies were killing people. They were certainly super-spreader events that lead to an increase in cases though. Just like all the celebrations across the Country that occurred over the weekend. Those will lead to increased cases.
  16. We're not shutting everything down like we did before but we are going to see a more concerted effort from the top down to mitigate with whatever measures can be done to draw out this virus at a reduced level so as to not overwhelm the healthcare system again.
  17. What's your point? There were parties in every single community across the country last week. Some public and many more were likely private.
  18. Why are you singling out DC? It doesn't matter where you voted in person, If you didn't wear a mask while waiting, or inside the facility, you placed yourself and other at risk. People are becoming sloppy with masks and hygiene and we're reaping the actions from it. A sharp rise in all metrics on the virus. We knew this was going to happen as we had to test the waters to see what would occur as we opened back up. The virus is still as transmissible and deadly as it was when it was first introduced to the Country. My initial stance stands of what we need to do until we have a vaccine.
  19. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2020/10/22/trumps-campaign-made-stops-nationwide-then-coronavirus-cases-surged/3679534001/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/17/maine-wedding-superspreader-event https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54487154 Here's just a few. All events where majority of people were NOT wearing masks.
  20. Can blame the spread on a lot of things. I'm sure the election day itself has played a role in case increases.
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