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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. You just literally tossed the entire medical profession in the dumpster by stating we should do nothing. Unless you prefaced your statement, that includes the development of a vaccine.
  2. I’m thoroughly ****ing exhausted by the extremes on this. “Do nothing” is not happening and “shutting the country” isn’t happening either. Get your heads out of your asses and do some common sense critical thinking on what we can do that works for all. Masks, social distancing, proper hygiene, restricting gatherings, remote learning and working, federal stimulus to support people whose jobs are lost, or shut down during this, etc.... Until a vaccine becomes available to the masses sitting idly and doing nothing is going to cause more damage to the world then trying to save people’s lives and livelihoods.
  3. Nor do you know shit about me. You call yourself a doctor but you’re breaking the oath you made to “do no harm”.
  4. Not sure anywhere in his post he said “stopped”. Good to know where you stand though. Do nothing and let the virus run into course and kill countless humans without taking measures to lessen that number. Heartless, unethical and disgrace to your profession. Guess we should just stop with a vaccine as well since we should just let it “run its course”.
  5. Mowvember Morches on. +6.6F through mid-month.
  6. But I thought they said that schools and kids were not a huge spreader of this?
  7. While the pig is not as glamorous as some other animals, it's versatile in that it can be enjoyed in a multitude of ways.
  8. Good. We had a great stretch of Winter, lets move on to Spring.
  9. Listened to NPR story this AM on it. Apparently there were 33,000 volunteers for the trial.
  10. Frickin TAN looks to be offline. No obs in over an hour now.
  11. How long ago you take the ARE? It’s 6 exams now and my wife is 1/2 way thru now and I’ll be taking it once she’s finished, most likely next year. Little late to that party, but if I’m looking to take over for my boss, I have to take the exams.
  12. It’s called empathy and it’s something many severely lack.
  13. It’s been amazing watching each of us grow, mature through the years. Can’t believe mine is in her senior year and my wife and I will be celebrating 20yrs next year.
  14. Johnson & Wales https://www.jwu.edu/ She'll be applying to MCPHS University for early admission as well. It's he top choice. https://www.mcphs.edu/
  15. I'm a proud/happy Dad right now. My daughter just received her early admission from JWU.
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