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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. I will say my daughter is thriving thus far taking classes remotely. I know she's not the norm but she's enjoying her classes and teachers.
  2. No. As long as it was used for payroll, he was all set.
  3. My boss knew about this but it finally came to realization yesterday, he has to pay taxes on the PPP money he took to the tune of 38%.
  4. Spread in schools in MA is here. Cases fave doubled over the last week, so that means we have community spread ongoing. While you can't make a direct correlation, deaths have also been rising in the State, so I'm sure schools are playing some part in that increase.
  5. Maybe in locations where cases are low enough it can be used, nut in many cases it just won't make a difference where daily case loads are in the thousands.
  6. We should try reverse contact tracing. Rather then try and figure out all the people someone came in contact with, some countries trace back to the actual infected person that got said person exposed Contract tracing would be great but there's far too many cases currently to even attempt that.
  7. I'm thinking TBlizz sensor is running a tad cool. 15F was low at TAN.
  8. 19F. Tied for lowest, from October 31st, should break that based upon current conditions.
  9. It is but I'd gladly take the vaccine over contracting the virus. We know you are up in NH. Meanwhile I'm out an about everyday interacting with my clients, wearing a mask when I'm around them, but going about my day to day job.
  10. So risk not getting the vaccine and contracting Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Or receive the vaccine and risk contracting Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
  11. Funny. My daughter is scheduled to get hers 2 days prior to that and starts going 2 days per week, the following week.
  12. That's where I'm at. I think by Summer 2021 we should have widespread availability of vaccine(s) and a substantial portion of the population who will have already received it. We will have most likely 6 mo of people receiving the vaccine from Pfizer so we should have a good handle on efficacy any side-effects,
  13. Great news out of the Pfizer vaccine. 95% effective with minimal side effects. Thie is the final trial resuls. https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/18/health/pfizer-coronavirus-vaccine-safety/index.html
  14. I’m even getting the pneumonia vaccine given my health history.
  15. He still posting? Haven’t seen him around in a while
  16. Yup, no denying this one ranks up there for outbreaks over the last century.
  17. Same here. People close to my wife and clients of mine have had it and currently do.
  18. I will. Thank you for clarifying. We know a mask and lock down aren’t the panacea but measures need to be taken similar to what we did in the Spring into early summer for a couple months to take the heat off this current surge till we can get these vaccines into circulation. It’s getting ugly and the numbers by all measures show this. We saw the writing on the wall as states began to open things up to test the waters. Governing isn’t pretty but we need to protect our citizens. And no, I’m not saying shutting it all down. Somewhere in between is where we need to be.
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