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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Unappetizing. Half the time it’s the mere smell of it, others is the appearance, it looks nauseating, and the times I tried it, I did not like three taste or texture.
  2. Maple syrup and toss all the rest. We don’t do seafood of any kind.
  3. Spending the day in CT with my wife's mom and dad, her sister and husband and their 2 kids. By my count that's 9 people. She's been going to CT just about every weekend so by-in-large we've exposed each other to whatever we've come in contact with.
  4. I see they opened with 11 trails on 2 mountains/lifts. Not bad for an opening day.
  5. Indeed. I also saw that the efficacy of this one increased to over 90% when the initial dose was lower then the booster shot. They don't know why that is but I'm sure they'll research it more and if drug is approved that may be the route they go. Let's have 2021 obliterate this virus.
  6. Yeah, this another promising vaccine. Let's hope we can get these all approved and work on immunizing the globe to mitigate this mess.
  7. I’ve never seen this many acorns in 16yrs that I’ve lived here.
  8. Wut? Brush fire just yesterday up along I-495 in Raynham.
  9. 48/37. Didn’t even know we were expecting precip.
  10. Couple footers + that season a month apart.
  11. Saw Harv talking to Judah on news. Warmer then normal temps but calling for slightly above normal snow.
  12. Amazing day for yard cleanup. Did oak leaves today. Looks like 2/3 to 3/4 are off the trees, so likely one more time to blow them and then having to deal with leaves from adjacent properties blowing in. Got to use new ladder as well to get up to gutters. Nice to finally have a quality stable ladder that I don’t fell like I’m going to die climbing up. Grass is done growing as well but is nice and green still. Best it’s looked since June.
  13. Gorgeous day. What the hell you doing posting while on vacation? Disney beckons. Le Cellier ftw.
  14. I'm ruthless. I toss out suspensions like Pez dispenser. Thor's not around to save it.
  15. Nope, That's out of the realm of New England. We want to keep the discussion as it pertains to here as much as possible.
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