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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Just looking at it. Primary is over MI, not what I would want to see but I’m sure this has been disected a million ways.
  2. Thanks. Quite forgettable. Wasn’t that much into tracking weather at that point in my life. Looks like 1-3” tops.
  3. Was living in Middleboro in 2001. What am I missing or not missing from March that year? Was there any snow there? BOX used to have access to historical snow storms but they truncated it to only last sum odd years.
  4. Congrats. Predated my forum life by 4 years. I was in the throws of wedding planning.
  5. March 2001 does not ring any bells to me. What happened?
  6. Few, but nothing like the past. They've been largely controlled thru the introduction of a parasitic fly.
  7. Nice to see you 2 made the trip for this. Hope all is well.
  8. Winds are starting to push up there. Gusting close to 30mph
  9. AJ Burnett just said the same thing. Bright banding on radar indicating a mix around 2000’
  10. The curl is crucial for eastern areas, if it doesn’t, it’ll allow the cold to feed in earlier and change the rain over snow
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