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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Here is the 18z GEFS 24hr precip. Strong signal at this lead time to see 24hr panels over 1”.
  2. 18z GEFS is beautiful for mid week. Better look then the 12z run fwiw.
  3. (11 Dec 2020) Data flow issues from NCEP this afternoon may result in delayed or missing data for their models.
  4. I can say it's not looking good for Montreal.
  5. https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/snow/200912#:~:text=The second major winter storm,into a classic Nor'easter.
  6. I feel people are going to have storm burnout on this one watching each and every model run every 6hrs and dissecting it for the next 5-6 days.
  7. 3-6” verbatim in mid December is a win
  8. I know you and Dave have a love-fest but lay off the insults.
  9. Yep. Best forcing is closer to coast though. Still a cold storm verbatim.
  10. Jeez, I thought you'd all be excited to have Dave posting in here. We've had a good influx if METs over the last month come post in here. Let's keep the banter to a minimum and the discussion at a solid level. No need to rip into to posters who want to participate. If you disagree with a post, say why.
  11. Tough to get the big storm totals without some semblance of a 50/50 low
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