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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Having trees just presents other issues like power loss and damage to property. We glad no trees can do that.
  2. Why wouldn’t you? I have no need for cold and snow. I love a good snowstorm but want it gone the minute it’s done.
  3. Been in the mid 50s since about midday, dews approaching 50 now. Winds gusting to mid and upper 20s now. Pack is gone.
  4. We 20”+ storms here in ASEMATT about every 3-4 years. I’ve had too many to recall all of them. Just in that last 25yrs I’ve had probably 10.
  5. Mid 50s and dews in the mid 40s. It’s freakin gorgeous out.
  6. Been melting for days here. Mid 40s now. 2-3” of rain and 65-70mph wind. better then any summer tropical storm by far
  7. A storm you’ll be able to tell your kids about when they’re older.
  8. This is looking like a fun storm. 2-4" of salt-scouring rain and 60mph leaf dropping winds.
  9. There was someone on here who said regression is a bitch. Wonder who that was.
  10. My pack is already ripe. May be down to 2" before this storm rolls in.
  11. I'm exacting my revenge on the Forum for those who downplayed the drought. Repent now and I may grant a reprieve in 2021.
  12. Party last week had a dose of Covid here. Underwhelming.
  13. Looking at 2” of rain plus snow melt. We build those reservoirs and groundwater tables up.
  14. It's our annual event that wipes out any snow pack, preventing a White Christmas.
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