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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Kids play online games now. No mud to be seen anywhere around me. I don't mind the landscape without snow.
  2. What a great 7 day stretch this has been. Even got to enjoy the warmth on Christmas with the rain in between. 2020-12-22 47 24 35.5 4.6 29 0 0.00 2020-12-23 42 23 32.5 1.8 32 0 0.00 2020-12-24 59 23 41.0 10.6 24 0 0.01 2020-12-25 64 41 52.5 22.3 12 0 1.53 2020-12-26 41 28 34.5 4.6 30 0 0.00 2020-12-27 41 22 31.5 1.8 33 0 0.00 2020-12-28 53 22 37.5 8.0 27 0 0.00
  3. Ant's going to be rip shit when he gets a BM rainer.
  4. I'll agree with Scott on the ORH Hills and Berks. Those areas would stand the best chance in SNE of seeing frozen stuff. Still think they go over to plain rain though.
  5. Normally I;d say yes, but this primary low is strengthening as it moves over the GL. It's a 990mb low once its over Montreal.
  6. Primary is too strong and the high is not locked in place. Does not scream prolonged wintry event except in C/NNE.
  7. I see a brief period of wintry precip turning into a cold rain for most of SNE.
  8. How's the icing event looking for SNE? Asking for a forum member.
  9. Why stop there? Go 1-2” of ice. Trend is your friend, amirite?
  10. Regardless of outcome a thread is warranted for this next event.
  11. I think you’d want to see that high a bit further S. It’s pretty strong as modeled right now. Trends to monitor.
  12. You want wintry precip, you want to root for a weak primary(>1000mb) over the GL. Allows for a strung out system that won’t scour out any cold that bleeds south from that high.
  13. It’s quite sad to see people lose it over something that falls from rather sky. best of both worlds right now. No snowpack and above normal snowfall.
  14. Snowpack fetish is weird. Gimme a 12” snowfall a month over that.
  15. I think it’s a good thing to have heated walkways in areas where there is snow and ice like there. Makes it safer and reduces overhead on having to shovel/salt/sand it. Liability should be lower as well.
  16. I just took about 15min to clean up the sticks that came down yesterday. Nice day outside.
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