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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. That’s what I’m saying. I still think your area up into coastal NH could get clipped by CCB. The WCB is a lock IMO for N and W of PVD/BOS line.
  2. If weenies want the glean a positive out of that is the elongation of the ULL may be able to pinch on S of LI and slow the storm enough to back the flow
  3. See I thought the 06z run looked better for SNE, with the ULL closed of S of us.
  4. Yes, and I haven’t seen anyone talking long duration storm. Correct. But the flow is still progressive. There’s another s/w hot the heels of this one that may screw with any prolonged baroclinc process along the coast. This is not to say we couldn’t see a 12hr quick hitting storm favoring eastern areas, it’s just too soon to know. We may also be dealing with a shitty airmass in southern areas without a dynamic solution to draw in the colder air.
  5. It’s looking like a potent little ULL, so any slight wobbling around will change sensible outcome. It’s getting sheared out but attempts to redevelop more or less overhead. That developing block is looking to suppress it but it’s so far north by the time it does. If the block were in place more, we’d be primed for a huge hit.
  6. Track of ULL and redevelopment along the coast are my 2 main reasons. Subject to change though.
  7. Got 2 neighbors who work on engines and swear that using pump gas for small engines kills them. They swear by using this stuff for all their lawn equipment.
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