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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Torch! Sitting at almost +8F MTD.
  2. Think I spent $500-600 on my Ariens when we moved into our house in 2004. Have done minimal to it. Starts up no problem.
  3. Atta boy who needs snow when you got days like today.
  4. It may not snow again this WInter.
  5. Time to expand your horizons so you're not so bored in Winter. It's been a torch 1st week on Jan. +7.4F. Dry too. Only 1/4".
  6. Throw on some boots and go for a hike? Get in a boat with your fishing gear and fish?
  7. I'll take days like today thru March.
  8. I've been leaning whiff for a couple days, for next week. If there is a storm though it looks more like a strung out overrunning system rather then a discrete coastal low.
  9. 15" that storm. Some other entries. That March 13th storm was my last one over a foot. Baroclinic Zone 03/13/2018 16.50 Holy Crap Baroclinic Zone 01/04/2018 18.00 Almost Blizzard/ Almost a rainer Baroclinic Zone 02/09/2017 13.00 Blizzard with thundersnow Baroclinic Zone 01/07/2017 15.40 Miller A. Fluffer. 2-3/hr
  10. Yep. Good luck resolving any single event more then 2-3 days out.
  11. It's a precarious setup as currently modeled across guidance. Suppression definitely in play.
  12. I know exactly what your saying. I also know what the current NAO state is and upper air floow over the northeast. I'm not talking about the system coming up the coast slamming New England with a snowstorm. You remove that shit stain streak and the storm would come "closer"
  13. The storm would likely clip us if not for that piece of shit. That's thing just adds insult to the NAO domain.
  14. There's our s/w diving out of Quebec like a heat seeking missile to ruin any chance of a storm this weekend.
  15. Definitely look better then the OP v16
  16. GFS v16 comes close next week but just misses the phase.
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