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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Looked that way. Matt and Brett would be in line for that one
  2. Not really warranted, If we go by your definition, we should have a thread every day for NNE upslope snows.
  3. 50s in January is not common. Plenty of days in the mid/upper 40s here though. Speaking from where I live, it's a pretty close split on the highs/lows. Within 2-3F.
  4. What's fraudulent about it? We're all sitting at close to +8 MTD. That's a torch by any definition.
  5. I had almost double what I do now, this time last year. 12.80" vs 22.25". Thing is, last year crapped the bed and it didn''t snow again till March.
  6. I've done it for everyone I've been through.
  7. It was nice to go about a month without the mention of that model.
  8. We do seem to have fun when s/w's eject out of the SW. See what comes of this upcoming one.
  9. https://www.mass.gov/real-estate-appraiser-licensing
  10. For the most part. Southeastern MA is where most of our work is, from Cape Cod all up to the Natick area.
  11. Yeah, lumber has seen a 200-300% increase in price. Hearing a lot of it has to do with lumber yards not being able to dispose of the sawdust waste thus having to curtail operations. Also due to reduced staffing because of the rabbit in the room. PT lumber and composite decking are also in short supply. Most other building material costs have remained stable though.
  12. We've been lacking a solid baroclinic zone. Maybe this upcoming period can give us that which would present better chances of frozen precip in SNE.
  13. I should have proof-read what I wrote. Daycare is ridiculous. I don't even remember how we paid for it back then. Now I just need to worry about helping my kid through College. Finding contractors right now is hard. They are all busy and booked out, so it may take time to hire one who can work with you. You may want to also hire a local Architect/Designer to put together a set of plans you can bid with, that way you can make sure your getting a good price for the proposed work. That's what my wife and I do. We each have our day-to-day jobs but also have our own company because the need was there. We do everything from small interior renovations to full blown million+ homes. People are leaving the cities in droves and are looking for places to live. This is driving up the values of existing and new homes astronomically. We've seen the appraised value of our own go up $100k in a little over a year.
  14. Talk to me about residential real estate. It’s been apeshit between my 2 jobs the last 9-10mo. Covid made our workload double. Brand new development we were working with developer on broke ground a year ago and did not put 1st foundation in till March. They have reservations now on all 46 lots. I have never seen projects sell this fast. We are in the process ourselves of eliciting bids to have an addition put on. Value proposition our existing home coupled with interest rakes make it the perfect time to do so.
  15. This Winter has been a continuous cranking of a jack-in-the box, without the pop ending. You're just sitting there waiting in endless anticipation of it to occur.
  16. Underwhelming 12z Euro for snow lovers. Congrats Mid Atl.
  17. This is what makes this month departures that much more impressive. Sitting at +7.6F right now.
  18. Make OT great again. There's a feature called PM, where you can maybe reach to people who want to discuss the markets and show them the thread that was created to discuss it there.
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