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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Sorry Steve but we've taken a hard stance on no more Covid discussion on the weather side. No one can seem to play nice, so we just said enough. I get that it's scientific based but we have set the bar at ground level for this. You're welcome to post it OT or in the Science & Tech subforum. https://www.americanwx.com/bb/forum/26-science-and-tech/
  2. Antecedent looks good too with the confluence over the Northeast.
  3. Time to head to the yonder hinterlands where there be dragons to catch your snow fix.
  4. Nice look but it's getting shredded
  5. Yeah, I can get you a link to my primary jobs webpage to look through. Most of the stuff I do on the side is renovations/additions with a few new homes.
  6. You're going to have to start looking so you have an idea how much homes cost now. Zillow is great for house searing as you can circle a geographical area you want to search for homes in. All those towns along 128, you are looking at 600k+ for just about everything available or it'll need a ton of work. My guess is the 495 belt will be in your price range but the Westboro and Southboro areas are expensive due to Dell/EMC and other corporations having headquarters in the area. Area south of that where Will is are still relatively affordable too if you want some snow or you can look down my way in the Bridgewater area.
  7. We have one developer who is working on getting a development going in Bellingham. Think its still a year plus out as it's going through the approval stages. We have another developer who's got a development going in Ayer, They've already taken a bunch of reservations. Not too many developments going on inside the 495 belt that I would consider starter homes. Most of our new construction homes are north of $600k now.
  8. vis down to 1.25mi at EWB. Moderate snow there. vis 2.5mi at TAN
  9. Haven't even had a high in the 20s or low in the single digits this season.
  10. Please tell me you’ve all seen/heard of Impractical Jokers. That was me impersonating 40/70 telling everyone to “suck it”
  11. It’s the same just about everywhere right now. Housing stocks for sale are at levels we have not seen in a long time. My wife and I are kicking ourselves for balking at pulling the trigger on moving to North Attleboro. We had everything lined up to sign a P&S to build a home with a builder I work with and Covid spooked us and we didn’t know was going to happen and whether or not we’d have our jobs still. Move forward 9-10mo and the 46 lots went from opening sales to having reservations on all of them. They were starting in the low 5’s and they are now in the low 6’s. Sucks but we’re not dwelling on it and are pushing to get an addition added to our existing house.
  12. There’s been a large increase in sales outside of Boston. People are moving out of the city to escape the congestion. Metro Boston does have issues with affordable housing but we are better equipped to deal with the issue compared to other places. Apartments are becoming a huge boon along the 495 belt. Feel good knowing you live in a market that is less susceptible to market downturns. We have a broad spectrum of industries that can weather a lot of downward market trends. We have a great hub of education, sciences, and finances that feed a broad spectrum of fields. No better place to live in the US IMO.
  13. Metro west 495 belt is the new 128 belt. Some communities are already at levels of the 128 belt but give it another 10-20 years and they’ll be there. We have new homes we’re designing that will be starting at $800k and up in the next year or so.
  14. Soon? It’s been there for 15-20yrs. Not sure the salaries of the people I have done work for, but most of them are above my pay grade. My guess is combined family income is well north of $250k to just touch the $600-700k homes and go up from there for the million plus ones.
  15. Lol, it took till March 6th to receive my next snow.
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