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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. GGEM in line with the 12z models. GFS sticks out like a red-headed step-child.
  2. Yep. But there's going to be a storm, we know that.
  3. GSFv16 more in line with the rest of the 12z suite that's rolled out.
  4. GFS still stubbornly the northern outlier.
  5. Models spitting out 1/2"+ QPF in E MA now. Surprise event when BOX was saying less then an 1" yesterday.
  6. There's been some hint on modeling of an area right along the coast around EWB having a localized max. Seen it on the NAM/RGEMEuro/GFSv16
  7. Why wouldn't you use a short term model for an event that is mere hours away?
  8. Yup. We're finally looking to establish a solid barcoclinic zone which should aid in more cohesive storm development. Risk for cutters is still there though.
  9. I feel it's more a result of light precip rates and surface temps being on the "marginal" side, so the model spits out non-snow.
  10. Apparently Kev has now gone blind and can't see what models show.
  11. My lean favors WTFNs. Could be a cutter, could be a miss, could be a hit.
  12. Not every day you see 36”+ spit out of the GFS over SE MA.
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