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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Can't parse that out yet, agreed. I'm looking at the nuances of 5h. I liked the look of it. Wasn't that much different then 06z.
  2. Broader trough may swing this out further East before capture, which would likely help coastal areas.
  3. Back to your regularly scheduled model runs. GFS coming in. Heights higher ahead of system and trough looks sharper thru 1026hr.
  4. Yeah, there may be just enough lift with that trough to induce some low level OES. Tonight looks to be more driven by the long fetch of winds.
  5. 12z NAM trying to clip E MA with Norlun on Friday.
  6. We just had round 2 this AM. Initial batch ended about midnight. 2nd round started up at about 3am and should be ending in about an hour. E MA may see off and on bouts of flurries/light snow from now into Friday but I'm not seeing anything meaningful.
  7. Almost looks like it's associated with a meso low.
  8. The emotional investment coefficient has gone up significantly for many over the last 24hrs.
  9. Still snowing close to moderately at home. I see TAN at 1.25mi vis.
  10. I don't have much more that I add to what's already been discussed. I don't see any glaring flags in overnight model guidance to sway from storm along the eastern seaboard early next week. Stick to the Ensembles and geek out over individual runs. This has potential to be memorable storm for quite a large population.
  11. Just under 5" when I went out to shovel and it continues to snow now. Probably broke the 5" mark.
  12. Look at that. And James gets his norlun
  13. Yeah, we approaching 4” in this current band.
  14. No, I went at them with extreme curiosity.
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