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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Getting an OES streamer here right now.
  2. Not whining at all. Some of you are too easy to elicit a response out of.' Climo is within reach. Should surpass last seasons total if next week pans out.
  3. Always funny pulling up radar and see that red heat signature like a distant sun going supernova.
  4. Other then the last 3 days of January, it's been the same. Still in the mid/upper 30s, low 40s. We've just managed some lower lows. edit. I do admit to a pattern shift, but it just hasn't amounted to much in the way of "Winter" (snow/cold) in my general area.
  5. Up and in Winter. We stay the course here.
  6. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=ecmwf_full&p=sn10_acc&rh=2021020212&fh=180&r=us_ne&dpdt=&mc=
  7. Progressive patterns do not eliminate risk of huggers/cutters
  8. There's is plenty in this setup to bring this inland,.
  9. Especially with that energy diving out of the GL that'll phase in. Could even run inland.
  10. No, the info in the upper left tells you what forecast hour time the model is at and in the upper right its telling you what model run it is 00z/12z, etc and date. So that image is telling you at 144hrs how much modeled snow has fallen from today's 12z Ukie.
  11. I'm ready for midwest severe season and bowling balls.
  12. I have grass now showing around my yard. Go into a snowstorm with 2" OTG, receive another 3", with minimal rain, and wake up to grass showing.
  13. Breaking news, 6 more weeks of Winter per Phil.
  14. I posted in Storm Discussion thread as well. So the colder models verified by my measure but the snow graphics on those colder models were over-aggressive in the areas where the 925mb temps were near 0C. We stayed snow well past 00z, which is when I noticed the warmer models change SE MA over to rain. We were snow up until 04z. A white rain storm that was heavily dependent upon uber rates to overcome that "wamth", which we managed to do for a couple spurts.
  15. So the colder models verified by my measure but the snow graphics on those colder models were over-aggressive in the areas where the 925mb temps were near 0C. We stayed snow well past 00z, which is when I noticed the warmer models change SE MA over to rain. We were snow up until 04z. A white rain storm that was heavily dependent upon uber rates to overcome that "wamth", which we managed to do for a couple spurts,
  16. Net loss in snow. 3" looks to be about it. Woke up to maybe 1" of snow total on the ground, including the previous storms. Driveway was a sheet of ice under the 1" of slushee I had to "shovel". More like squeegee it off. Pretty remarkable considering about 90% of the QPF that fell was snow. I see TAN at ~1.25" and I went to be last night seeing over 1" and it was still snowing at that time. So by that math the snow ratio was around 3:1.
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