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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. NAM started the run slow but ended up winning the race.
  2. They ain't gonna phase. Not in this type of pattern. That's my uneducated opinion.
  3. Disagree, I'd like to see the northern shortwave get the hell out of the way, allowing the southern stream to become more dominant/amplified.
  4. S/W is stronger and a bit further south and west so maybe offsetting
  5. NAM looks to be coming back to earth some from it's 12z run.
  6. Not confused at all since Will just backed me up. Make sure to spray and flush when you're done on the toilet.
  7. Since Kevin is confused most of the time. Here are the 700mb temps and VV to point out what I am saying. Thermal gradient is about 20mi offshore co-aligned with the VV.
  8. I like seeing the height ahead less compressed. Will allow the storm to amplify. See if we can back the flow to enhance precip some rather than this being a pure WCB storm.
  9. This is the mess I've been watching. It's been lifting N, allowing our storm to dig more.
  10. Nice diffluence ahead of the digging s/w should do the trick.
  11. Yep. You can have it. I hope your location is buried under 6' of snow by mid month.
  12. And a hugger is still in the envelope. If Kevin refers to an "inland runner" as something that cuts west of Albany, I doubt that scenario. Any storm that crosses land in SNE (outside CC/Islands) is "inland" to me. Is it over water? no. A hugger, as well, is over water, not over land.
  13. Can't recall saying specifically "inland runner", but you can never rule out change over to rain like the ICON showed yesterday where the SLP runs up over E MA.
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