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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Sup gang? What’d I miss today? Looks like 6-8” on track here.
  2. We smart enough to know they were nurse sharks and harmless. Stayed the course.
  3. I’m intrigued by the curl up by the RGEM. Seems to be driven by the intensity of the s/w. Euro is in that camp with intensity. Sort of leaning in that direction with it being more intense.
  4. I was going to post during the 12z runs and never did for 18z ones, but as Scott alluded to a little while ago, there does look to be some convective nature to this that may bring some intense banding and thunder snow potential.
  5. That’s just a ridiculous 3km nam run. Not as zonked out as 18z, but to see 1”+ QPF tossed out in in such a short duration is nuts.
  6. I wouldn't trust the 3km NAM with that s/w, It's gonna want to do some where shit with it.
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