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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Yep jerry, best snows will be north and west of where models spit out the highest numbers. That’s a sweet run for here.
  2. Not even close. Entirely different setup and antecedent is colder.
  3. Nice curl to the s/w at 18hr. Should bump banding north
  4. Probably. Storm was very longitudinal with snow totals south of pike.
  5. North side completely gone. South side I got like 1”.
  6. I wish. We were up off of glen street though. Done a few projects in that area.
  7. White rain. Funny thing is it never changed over to rain here.
  8. Nice. We were up in Dover/Natick today and there was a solid 12”
  9. We await the 00z runs and than it’s nowcast time. You look good for 6” from what I see. Gonna have to watch where the bands set up.
  10. Not a pack season here. Even after the 9-1/2” in December, it settled to 6” or so.
  11. I could see some areas starting as a period of rain while they wet bulb out on the Cape and Islands. Maybe an hour or 2.
  12. Feel pretty good we’re close to the crosshairs here. Should rip for a few hours at 1-2”/hr. Think 6-8” is not a bad call and maybe we can squeak out 10” if higher ratios (12:1 / 14:1) can be had.
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