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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Weak secondary allowing for cold to tucky tuck.
  2. Ice party about to come to an abrupt end.
  3. Back roads private walks, driveways, decks, and patios iced up AWT. Not an ice storm threat though where we have major accretion on limbs and power lines to create widespread damage. Warmth has always been modeled for tomorrow’s my earlier posts showed. Primary precip has even moved in associated with storm. This current precip is associated with another s/w that pushed south of us. Temps will trend upwards overnight into tomorrow. It’s even glazed up here which was not unexpected.
  4. I feel a wetter solution will yield a warmer one. It's a southern streamer. 9/10 they come in warmer. No blocking to be had. This is all about timing and trough placement.
  5. Sucks man. Ditto, we got a pool going in and looking to break ground on potential addition that will have outdoor patio. Winter gots to go.
  6. I'm at the point where I need to see larger events(6-8"+) or I'll pass.
  7. Upper air pattern does not look conducive to amplification. 150-180kt winds at 200mb/300mb.
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