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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Back to the storm discussion.. I find there are more red flags than green ones I think QPF output has been too generous. Mechanics are just not there for widespread 6-8"+
  2. We all get along just fine. Families fight and forgive.
  3. I think it's been pretty evident for over a decade that you only care about you back yard, as do most on here.
  4. 12z runs trending from a yawner to a snoozer.
  5. I don't care for either state. They both suck.
  6. George, what current model guidance are you using to back your assertions? Not one model is showing that much potential in the upper air pattern.
  7. Not spoiled at all. And I haven't had a 10" storm this year and my last one was 3 years ago.
  8. Hmm, go figure, seasonal flu levels are at historically low levels. Wonder why that is, maybe the virus can't spread due to mandatory mask wearing, social distancing, and better hygiene. Crazy!
  9. Hmm, I don't see snow anywhere in the Forum name.
  10. Seek professional help if you have this habit.
  11. I'm with Scott. 6" over 36hrs is MEH. Give me 6" over 3hr for 8hrs.
  12. Thanks for the entertaining AM reading as I sit down to work.
  13. Hope you enjoy your 24” of ice encrusted mud in May while we’re enjoying lush green lawns and warmth.
  14. I’d feel better if I lived in SSNE on this one. Dynamics are shifting south.
  15. Clear trend of deamplification of s/w. This causes the storm to shift s and e. Shears it out. Not a bad event for those further south and west but beware continued trend.
  16. Sunny for you while Ant sees 8-10”
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