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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Robins are around as well as other birds now.
  2. 45F for high today. Only piles of snow left.
  3. Shot #1 in the books. Great job by the company running mass vaccinations at Gillette. No waiting, and was out of there in 30 minutes.
  4. Yeah, it was a shoveling type year here. I used the snow blower only once back in December when I waited till storms end to cleanup.
  5. Nah, you got me beat by 9" right now. I'm basically at climo for the season. It's just not been a cold winter so pack was never gonna stick around here with daily temps in the 30s/40s. Works for me as I don't want to it to stick around.
  6. Yup. Even at home there was. Slipped slightly on my steps as I left. 10 min earlier it was fine. State of the "pack" this AM.
  7. Perfect pack eviscerator here. Down to patches.
  8. And if you want to geek out on the science of it. https://www.tahoemagazine.com/ice-ice-baby-a-deep-dive-into-why-lake-tahoe-doesnt-freeze-in-the-winter/
  9. It's over 1600' deep. It ain't ever gonna freeze over.
  10. Enjoy the storm interior. Balmy 24/20 currently at Mi Casa.
  11. This is what it looked like a little over 12hrs ago.
  12. just about done here. Just did a 3rd driveway cleanup and same as last 2. 2”+ on driveway.
  13. Just unreal snow growth. Haven’t seen this all year.
  14. I was not expecting this end to be so prolific. Don’t think anyone can say they expected this. 6-8” still seems like a busted forecast just prior to storm onset.
  15. Been dumping for last few hours it seems. Just did a 2nd driveway cleanup and there was the same on the driveway as my 1st cleanup when I got home at 5pm. Over 5” now.
  16. 3” and counting at home. Kind of surprised me when I pulled up. Definite screw zone in the Mansfield/Norton area as there was next to nothing on trees.
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