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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Moderna. Just soreness around the upper arm and the fatigue. Seems some people are more susceptible to side effects. My dad is getting his 2nd today.
  2. Yeah, that day was tossed high and far. I recall that one when I saw it. That's why I posted the HPRCC map for corroboration of area being above normal.
  3. Definitely felt side-effects on 1st shot. Late yesterday I was exhausted and felt a bit nauseous. Felling better this AM though.
  4. They were talking on news this AM about how February has been below normal for temps. We in the minority because TAN is at +1.1F. Jan +4.0 Dec +3.1
  5. His bat looked like a toothpick compared to his body.
  6. Thanks for the condolences everyone. We were all surprised he made it this long and are relived he's no longer suffering thru it.
  7. My FIL just lost his battle with cancer.
  8. Well if the stupide BOX "Past Storm Database" wasn't such a POS I could find out how much actually fell. I recall multiple 6"+ events plus one bigger one over a foot.
  9. I'm going to guess I saw as much snow fall in March 2015 as I have seen this entire WInter.
  10. Crap ton of snow fell and I had a snow depth of 30"+ OTG if I recall.
  11. Wake me up when March 2015 walks back thru the door.
  12. Good luck with widespread below 0F temps in SNE in March
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