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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. I'd just leave the ones in the woods alone. Why bother messing with those. Only deal with the ones that could fall onto personal property and damage it.
  2. Hopefully we start seeing some more sun. Would like to use the pool some more. Have spent more time draining/maintaining it than I have using it. During the heat it had gotten up to the mid 80s, now it's barely cracking 70F.
  3. The worst. My daughter is still emotionally scarred from that experience and does not like thunderstorms anymore.
  4. Nope. June 28th-30th. Yesterday we were talking about the end of June heatwave. Did I miss a change of week discussion? Middle of week heat T-W.
  5. Got you one up. I got got in a T-Storm up on the Crawford Path above the Lakes of the Clouds Hut up on the Mount Washington Dome. Was with my dad and daughter at that time and it was the most terrifying experience. Literally no where to hide.
  6. 91/97/95 those 3 days at mi casa. Most had a 3 day heatwave.
  7. Indeed they were. Mid/upper 90s for many.
  8. Just looking at rain rates today and I had a period of 6.86"/hr and 5.76"/hr.
  9. Looks like majority of rain is done for the day. 1.93"
  10. Had 0.63" between 4-5am and .78" between 9-10am.. Up to 1.90" since 3am.
  11. I've had to drain the pool 3 times in the last week due to skimmer being submerged. No Deck. We have a Patio going in to tie from House to Pool. There will be a small Deck behind Pool along tree line that will come off Patio, Didn't realize until I zoomed in on those photos' how drenched it was. Standing water everywhere. What a mess. Hopefully things will all be in place by end of September.
  12. Agreed. New pool has not been used minimally these last couple weeks. Installed a month ago now. Sending torrents of sand down driveway now. Lawn is lush green though
  13. Woke up to over 1" in the tipper. See what this batch brings. Had the pleasure of getting my hands on Brick and Feather Beers this last month. My local store made the trek out there and have been able to score some cases for resale.
  14. I'm about to get wrecked with rnd 2.
  15. You hit up Flatbreads per my suggestion?
  16. October 2005 walking thru the door.
  17. FYI, I still haven't set up my Davis so my readings other than precip are not very accurate. I hope to have it set up this Fall once the chaos around my house has waned. It's a war zone right now.
  18. I'm gonna need an English translation.
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