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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Where are the storms? I thought we supposed to wake up to a line of them.
  2. I’ve been looking into renting a peat moss spreader and mixing the seed in with either peat moss or loam. Seems to be a good way to get seed down evenly and covered for good ground contact.
  3. So I've been looking ahead to my lawn/garden/beds and what I'll need to do. I need to repair my lawn which has not been maintained well over the years through my own fault. I need to start taking better care of it and I've been researching steps to do so. Dethatching/Scarifying and over-seeding is going to be a huge piece, I ended up purchasing this today. https://snowjoe.com/products/sun-joe-13-inch-12-amp-electric-scarifier-lawn-dethatcher-w-collection-bag Electric Dethather/Scarifier. I've researched this for a couple weeks and this brand seems to be reputable and the reviews of the product are outstanding. I'm excited to see the results. Once i have that piece done, I'll need to over seed and I'm leaning towards a lower maintenance. TTTF. They require less water and are more resistant to summer drought periods and disease. In conjunction with this, I'll be doing new planting beds around the yard and I'm thinking the most efficient way to create them is to use a tiller on the areas to churn in up and than form the edges. Lots to do.
  4. Well it's happening. The land they owned was taken by eminent domain and they were give a timeframe by which they needed to be vacated. They are the only business left in their building.
  5. Seeing my friend run his brewery was crazy, Lots of menial tasks, cleaning being a huge part of it. I haven't been there in a few years and they've grown substantially from where they so I'm sure his day to day tasks have changed since he has to run the business more and delegate the brewing. I do know Covid dropped their sales by 50%, which forced a change in how they operate. I don't think they ever laid off anyone. They do a lot of sales now in food which helps immensely. They'll be relocating their business in 1-2 yrs as the State/Feds are adding an interchange off i-93 that'll help alleviate the current exit and provide a more direct route into Derry.
  6. Yup. We've been unscathed since Friday evening when I saw .2". Saturday and Sunday were dry. 0.2" today.
  7. Nope. We're done with public school education, as is graduated.
  8. So glad we no longer have a student in public school.
  9. It's weird. Radar not showing much, if anything, but it's steady light rains.
  10. Really cool satellite loop right now with boundary draped over area. Cleared out to south of. Sort of a low level damming going on it would seem.
  11. Relative hot one. Mid 80s and dews in the mid 70s
  12. 1921 and 1938 are #1 and 2 wettest July’s for Boston. #2 will be surpassed today and #1 is only ~2.6” away.
  13. “Dry” here. Only a few hundredths over last 24hr
  14. Yup. Been sunny most of day, after fog burned off.
  15. Pretty sure this lives in his basement
  16. Noticed a lot of Pythium Blight on lawns this AM while walking the dog.
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