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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. My pool felt like a hot tub to the air temp a little while ago. 82F pool vs 68F air temp.
  2. Thanks. Pretty sure I told the story over last year. Diagnosed with glioblastoma last March just as Covid took hold. Was on chemo/radiation for sometime to extend his life some. Made it through the holidays but after the new year it was apparent those were no longer working and he passed on February 24th with my wife her sister and their mother by his side. I’m not really aware of the whole arrangement but I’m sure it’ll be nice. Weather looks to cooperate. it’s morbid to think/accept our own mortality and to take ownership of it. It’s nice that you’ve set up how you want to be memorialized. While I’ve had a decade to settle into my mortality, I haven’t set up the details of how/where I want my ashes laid.
  3. Yeah. Pretty sure it’s out of Mystic. It’s in early afternoon.
  4. Lucky they made up for it. Cole gassed and they made him pay for it.
  5. Devers! we watch in HD on Comcast
  6. Damn. More runs cost by Fenway layout. Ball bounces into stands in deep center.
  7. Kike misses HR by inches to tie it. HR in most ballparks but Fenway wall nope.
  8. Water table and groundwater is fine but the surface can dry out pretty quickly.
  9. Emotional day upcoming tomorrow as I head to Mystic with my wife and her family to spread her dads ashes out in Block Island Sound. It’s been a few months since he passed and we’ve been waiting till the summer to do this, it’s going to a small ceremony but family is coming from all over the northeast.
  10. I could see Steve watering gardens. It’s been dry for a week here.
  11. Sorry to hear Jay. Was there a reason for him to not be vaccinated or was it his choice?
  12. That's misleading. We're in a Casedemic.
  13. How have I never heard of this site? It's a gem for products. https://www.domyown.com/
  14. But that lard is "all natural", so it's a healthy choice.
  15. Why do we need the Government to tell us where it came from when we have experts in the field doing it?
  16. Jay is definitely in the minority view. I think he needs to step away from the Twitter/Facebook machines for a while.
  17. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/07/19/1016005828/new-data-leads-to-rethinking-once-more-where-the-pandemic-actually-began
  18. What part of your life right now is abnormal right now? I'm able to do everything that I was able to do prior to the pandemic. Majority of us are living our normal lives again.
  19. You get a Pneumonia vaccine? How about Hepatitis A/B? Or maybe the HPV? No one is forced to get any one of these vaccines.
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