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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. W just had an ASEMATT gtg a couple weeks ago.
  2. My bad if that's the case. This is what I saw. Some other places. https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2021/07/26/covid-cases-are-surging/ https://www.reuters.com/world/us/utah-hospitals-swell-with-unvaccinated-covid-19-patients-2021-07-27/ https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2021/07/26/health-first-postponing-some-surgeries-to-free-up-hospital-beds-amid-surge-in-covid-19-cases/
  3. https://www.wesh.com/article/health-first-covid-19-postpone-elective-surgeries/37135575 https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/patient-flow/8-hospitals-postponing-elective-procedures-amid-covid-19-resurgence.html Hospitals cancelling scheduled elective surgeries again.
  4. That's how public health safety works.
  5. Who are "you guys"? Pick any State with low vaccination rates and the story is the same right now. Hospitalizations are on the rise again which taxes/stresses the health care system. You dispute the data?
  6. How do you parse the vaccinated from unvaccinated? Personally I'd rather force those unvaccinated to wear them and us vaccinated folks not have to but we apparently can't have nice things in this Country, so the CDC changes guidance that States may follow to re-enact mask mandates.
  7. https://www.foxnews.com/health/florida-leads-us-covid-19-cases-hospitalizations-surge Florida is a mess with hospitilizations
  8. My belief is it becomes a much more manageable virus that doesn't overwhelm the healthcare system. Still a long way to go for that to occur here in the US and especially around the Globe. The States that are seeing the worst of it are those with lower vaccination rates. Quite a few Hospitals are running at full capacity in those areas. That taxes those employees who have to deal with that.
  9. Latest data say no but we're just now approaching 1 year after it's development, so we don't know how long it will last. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2103916 You're the one making a huge deal out of the CDC changing their guidance. Oh no, I have to wear a mask again. If people are really that upset over them, I'll expect 10s of thousands to be marching on their state/local government offices demanding they be repealed.
  10. So the CDC updates their guidance as the science of a new virus evolves/morphs over time. People are blowing this way out of proportion.
  11. Sucks to be those people who may have to wear masks at work again but it doesn't impact me one bit, so have at it. If I have to throw on for 45min to go shopping, so be it.
  12. I had turned it off about an hour ago after pivetta gave up the hr but ironically turned it on 2 pitches prior to verdugos home run.
  13. The fact that the bank had the audacity to request the payment from me was laughable. **** that. The City screwed up in their paperwork from January to June the following year and sent a bill to the bank and the bank sends them the payment likely knowing full well that I have a new lease with them with the same plates on a different vehicle. **** you. You go chase the abatement. I provided you with all the proper documentation that you already have. I told them to never call me again asking for payment. Only to say that they received the abatement. My next call will be to a lawyer.
  14. It's awful up in Milford. Classic example of how climate changes elsewhere can have far reaching effects.
  15. LOL, Bank is trying to make me pay $150 excise bill for a vehicle I turned in January 2020. The City didn't send out excise tax bills last year, so a month a go I received 3 of them. 2 for my newest vehicle and a 3rd for the prior one. I call the City and they say that since vehicle is leased thru Bank, the Bank needs to send abatement paperwork, so they can be reimbursed. Ok, I do all that and I'm still getting paperwork demanding payment for it. I call the Back, yep, they wanted payment over the phone, even though I've sent them proper documentation of plates/registration on new vehicle and they've filed the paperwork with the City for reimbursement. I said the hell I'm paying you anything. I provided you with the paperwork, you go chase the City for the money. I have no obligation on that lease any more. Shame on you for paying it a year and a half later without question.
  16. There will always be the rogue community that buck the overwhelming majority. Most don't want to bring back mandates as it only huts them from a tax revenue standpoint. I see maybe a handful who would go to that level on their own and my bet is those are the touristy locations. Sucks you had to wear a mask for that long. I only had to wear one grocery shopping or when I went to clients homes for work. Our Office is small enough that we never bothered with masks and we can keep apart.
  17. Little chance. Cities and Towns here don't want to go to that level. It will be a last resort if the trend continues the way they have. The data is pretty clear that the overwhelming majority of the case/hospitalization spikes are from those that are unvaccinated. Breakthrough cases are happening but are generally mild in nature and don't require hospitalization. I think this latest spike has been pushed up a few months with the shitty weather, so I'm thinking if we can have a nicer stretch of drier/warmer weather, we'll see things level off or drop some. The "news panic" is over-reaching and nauseating at this point but I get it, they need to find something to keep the watcher tuned in. There should be a continued push to get people vaccinated and I'm 100% positive we'll be seeing a roll-out of booster shots this Fall. The sky isn't falling and people need to step away from the TV and Social Media and step outside. Life is back to a new normal for most.
  18. The current thinking is this outbreak has been tied to the shitty July weather forcing more and more people indoors . I'd rather see mitigation done at the local level than at a State level.
  19. could not have asked for a better day to give my FIL his final send off. Emotional day.
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