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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. He probably believes we shouldn't be giving out free contraceptives in schools too.
  2. It's his MO. Been doing it for over a decade. Even if the number was 100x that, I'd still say they are safe and effective.
  3. We had our daughter at the front of the line in February to get the vaccine. They are safe and effective.
  4. Seems like you're upset. Perhaps a move to an even more isolated place will do you better.
  5. Do they have them get the DTaP/Tdap, polio, MMR, Hepatitis B, and Varicella vaccines or do they not believe in those as well?
  6. It's like a kid in a candy store obvious yet there are some kids who would rather eat the mud.
  7. See post above. It's a higher viral load because the Delta strain resides more in the nasal cavities/passages vs throat/lungs of the others.
  8. I'm anxious to see how the trials with those under 12 go with the vaccines. Having approval for use in that age group will go a long way to reduce transmission.
  9. I know you're closer to my age but I was once in that realm but we as Americans are not as educated/woke as you or I. There's a whole lotta dumb individuals that believe some of the fringe therapeutics to remedy this virus. It sucks that the CDC feels some masking should be reimplemented but thats where they feel we are as a Country.
  10. https://www.texastribune.org/2021/07/21/coronavirus-texas-vaccinated-deaths/ 43 deaths amongst those that were vaccinated vs 8,744 deaths in those unvaccinated. The data is overwhelming that the vaccine saves lives.
  11. https://covid-101.org/science/how-many-people-have-died-from-the-vaccine-in-the-u-s/ Choose to believe what you you will but I believe the vaccines are a far safer option than risking contracting the virus unvaccinated and risking those effects.
  12. The unvaccinated are the only ones to blame with the current status of things in the US. Plenty of opportunity to get vaccinated and the vast majority >95% of hospitalizations/deaths are from those that are not. And than you question the recommendations/actions of the CDC?
  13. What a pain in the ass. I had to replace the mixing valve in our Bath. Interesting learning process that was.
  14. Preaching to the Choir here. Get ****ing vaccinated and you don't have to bitch and moan about the CDC modifying their guidelines or States/Local municipalities implementing new restrictions. If you starve the virus of places to grow and mutate, it will largely die off. Will it be eradicated, not in my opinion, but will become much more manageable than it currently is.
  15. Can they? The risk is reduced but it's not 0% chance. If you use that metric, than yes, you could potentially spread the virus to someone and they die.
  16. Because those that are vaxxed are likely more willing to put the mask back on vs those that are not.
  17. There's your casedemic. Low viral load in a vaccinated person can lead to a positive test result because Delta variant also resides more in the nasal cavities.
  18. Not debatable. We're not talking exclusively about masking. We're talking about the social distancing, lockdowns, capacity restrictions, etc... that were put in place. All those coupled together worked.
  19. I get it. You were willing to risk people lives in the here and now and keep the status rather than try to mitigate that. That guidance saved countless lives by mitigating the spread of an unknown commodity. We're still figuring out the virus day-to-day. I have no issue with the CDC updating guidance as the science evolves. Seems kind of ridiculous to have done nothing and let the virus just run it's course.
  20. Days are noticeably shorter and daily highs are now on the downward slide.
  21. I'm worried about Phin's well-being. He's distraught over the CDC altering it's guidance on public health matters.
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