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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Hope all those Alaskans are safe. 8.2 magnitude earthquake there.
  2. It's on my list to get there. Are they fully opened? Last I checked they were only doing pre-orders for pickup at specific times.
  3. Are they allowed to throw "shrimp on the barbie?"
  4. Not true in the mRNA vaccines. Efficacy still in the 90% realm after 6mo. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2103916 https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/04/pfizer-covid-vaccine-91-effective-least-6-months
  5. Yep, for a State as populated as we are, we are knocking it out of the park.
  6. It is just cases but it still a pretty large cluster. 833 cases tied to P-Town. Only 7 hospitalizations and no deaths. https://www.wcvb.com/article/provincetown-covid-19-cluster-now-833-update-7-28-2021/37156737
  7. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/07/26/1019875347/doctors-worry-that-memory-problems-after-covid-19-may-set-stage-for-alzheimers
  8. Nice to see the New England States leading the charge in getting vaccinated. https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine-tracker
  9. Thanks. I've had good results using their other products over the years.
  10. Getting delivered today. This is the seed I'm leaning towards. https://www.jonathangreen.com/product/black-beauty-ultra-grass-seed.html
  11. It is remarkable the dichotomy between E and W CT. Mystic as nits though on Saturday. My MIL ended up chartering a school bus to shuttle us all too and from Colchester rather than try and have us all try to find a parking spot. We were dropped off right at Steamboat Wharf. Sailboat sets of right from the drawbridge. https://www.argiamystic.com/default.aspx
  12. I've let mine go and I've only had to mow twice this month. It's not growing like crazy since I haven't dropped any fertilizer in over a month now. I want to say I last did it in mid-June. Lawn this year not a huge priority with all the construction work going on around outside. Hoping by end of August that I can start some. Been doing a lot of youtube watching to learn best ins and out to a better lawn without the major effort.
  13. Yeah, rain totals tales off towards my area in SE MA and the Cape. Still a crazy amount of rain for a month. What a blessing this has been for gardens/lawns. No baked lawns this year.
  14. 0.19" here. Over 9" in last 30 days.
  15. It took far longer over the course of human evolution to develop immunities to many viruses/bacterial diseases. It's called science with research and development of pharmaceuticals that have increase life expectancies by decades. Couple that with changes in hygiene and other factors around how we live and we've almost doubled life expectancy in the US since the mid 1800's.
  16. Perhaps but to sit idly by is not effective either.
  17. Time will tell but to quote you, we know how these viruses go. They become less deadly as they mutate more and more. I see these variants being able to be covered by the vaccines we have out and those in the pipeline. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-will-the-coronavirus-evolve/
  18. I'm still working, no change from this AM's posting.
  19. lol, 50%? We're still at ~85-90% on the most contagious variant out there. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/06/30/1011684609/moderna-says-studies-show-its-vaccine-is-effective-against-the-delta-variant https://www.forbes.com/sites/leahrosenbaum/2021/07/27/how-good-are-covid-19-vaccines-at-protecting-against-the-delta-variant/?sh=537ed2fb1a6f https://www.jnj.com/positive-new-data-for-johnson-johnson-single-shot-covid-19-vaccine-on-activity-against-delta-variant-and-long-lasting-durability-of-response
  20. The man is a fraud/idiot. He rode his daddies inheritance into the ground many times over and thinks he's god's gift to business.
  21. Still waiting for an answer on these vaccines that are required in most States before kids can attend public schools. Why won't you get your >12yr old the Covid vaccine yet don't hesitate to give your infant/toddler these?
  22. Damn, how could I have forgotten that one. I'll add that they contain fetuses and mercury to the list.
  23. Widespread on Cape Cod? And yes, LA is a shit of a State.
  24. But the areas of widespread virus are full of idiots who believe the vaccine alters your DNA and nanobots in it.
  25. I understand the hesitancy. I was there too, 5 months ago, but the risks of contracting the virus far outweighed the vaccine risks. I had no say with my daughter as she had turned 18 and was all in on getting it. She's heading off to a pre-med program in Boston, so she knows full well what the risks were. Tack on that her school is requiring all students be vaccinated.
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