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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. https://investors.modernatx.com/news-releases/news-release-details/moderna-reports-second-quarter-fiscal-year-2021-financial
  2. Wut? It's just a continuation here. Had a 2 week "respite" but ended up with ~10" for July.
  3. Will be great in Winter to have this radar representation.
  4. Or you could just apologize for the idiotic post.
  5. I don't take being called a racist lightly or a joke.
  6. Nope. Couldn't be further from the truth.
  7. Who cares. Let them deal with it the way they're going to and be glad you live in an educated State that understands the benefits of a vaccinated population.
  8. You ok? You seem upset of the state of things in MA.
  9. Not even sure what this post is targeted at
  10. How do we know if was the vaccinated that caused the spread vs those that were unvaccinated? For all we know it could have been entirely the unvaccinated that did it. We know the vaccine drastically reduces the viral load but the Delta variant is the new kid on the block and resides in the nasal region and there may be more viral load there to transmit but far less than those that are unvaccinated. The risk is not 0% on transmission of the delta variant in a vaccinated person but it's not 100% either.
  11. So I've ordered my herbicides to get my current weeds under control. Going to use a backpack sprayer and use a combination of Tenacity and Ferti-Lome (Weed Free one). This looks to be the best 1-2 punch to know down initial weeds to get overseed process going.
  12. Conflicting data on the Israeli info. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-delta-variant-and-covid-19-vaccines-what-to-know-11627079604 Sucks to be them though if that's the case. We Moderna, Still needs peer review. https://investors.modernatx.com/news-releases/news-release-details/moderna-provides-clinical-update-neutralizing-activity-its-covid https://www.aha.org/news/headline/2021-06-30-moderna-reports-delta-variant-susceptible-its-covid-19-vaccine https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/06/30/1011684609/moderna-says-studies-show-its-vaccine-is-effective-against-the-delta-variant
  13. I don't give a shit about case counts. Hospitalizations and deaths are it.
  14. Are the laboratory-confirmed tests the same as the real-world ones?
  15. Which means the vaccines are effective, because there are minimal hospitalizations (<1%) and no deaths. Nearly all deaths and majority of hospitalizations from Covid can be attributed to those that are unvaccinated.
  16. "Crabgrass, keeping lawns green since the Dark Ages."
  17. Yeah, just a short drive to Deerfield....
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