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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccination-demographic
  2. I work in an office 8-9 hours a day and never had to wear a mask.
  3. You're right, thoughts and prayers don't do a damn thing,
  4. Sad. 99.99% chance he'd still be alive had he had the vaccine.
  5. Wow, it took an article from a national news network to tell you what many have known for decades.
  6. What you call submission is the exact opposite. My life has been normal since going back to the Office 15mo ago. Having to wear a mask occasionally up until May this year was not a huge deal. I would have no issue having to throw one back on like I did.
  7. I am. I have no issue saying that. They are by-in-large the major culprit.
  8. I love the people that will run out and pay to get a fake vaccination card but can walk down the street to the local Pharmacy, Clinic, etc and get a free shot or even a small stipend for receiving it. Mind-boggling.
  9. Who said that? Virus mutate all the time. It's the amount of virus around that the issue. Less virus, less chance of mutation and geeater chance we get the virus under control and manageable, which we are no where near.
  10. And you're uncomfortable with that. I can see why they do it though. IMO, Public policy should be ahead of the curve such that things don't get out of control again and I do blame the willfully unvaccinated for where we are currently in the US as a whole. I'm fine with the current state of things where I live and in my daily routine/business. If I'm asked to toss on a mask by the MA Governor again while out and about at a store, restaurant, so be it. It's brief and not a huge deal.
  11. And why we need to vaccinate as many people around the World as we can. The more vaccinated we are, the less likelihood there is for viral load, transmission, hospitalizations and deaths. The virus will become much more manageable than it currently is.
  12. Because vast majority of breakthrough cases don't lead to hospitalization or death, the 2 biggest indicators of the severity of pandemic. Almost all of the hospitalizations/deaths are coming from unvaccinated.
  13. What I think of now with incentives to get vaccinated.
  14. I think many spend far too much time on social media platforms or watching news. I catch a little in the AM to get caught up on the local stuff but that's mostly it. I love seeing that the vaccine I received is still going strong at 6mo knowing that if I do come in contact with someone infected, I likely won't have any noticeable symptoms. The onus is on those that are not vaccinated to do what they feel is necessary and deal with the risks. I would still highly recommend them to get vaccinated as the data is clearly showing they work in preventing deaths and severe cases requiring hospitalizations. The break-through cases are more risky to those that are unvaccinated than to those that are.
  15. Haven't had to wear a mask pretty much throughout the whole pandemic. Only when it was required inside buildings (doctors visits) or when going to some clients projects would I ever have to wear one. I jumped on getting vaccine due to my chronic leukemia and also knowing that it was the fastest/safest path back to normalcy for the Country.
  16. Who's scared? My life is normal here.
  17. It's actual Phase 3 study data, not just some generic news.
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