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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. And Phin thins we don't know this.
  2. What does age have to do with lives that know can be saved from a vaccine?
  3. Well it's was clear up until vaccinations came on board that the alternative was worse.
  4. From your perspective. We opened up this Country in April/May and look what that brought us. You think that policy works or worked? I think we rushed things on a National level because the political push to open things up was over-whelming. We're now having to backtrack that policy based up rising cases, and now rising hospitalizations and deaths. Had it only been cases rising, I think things would be different. Cases are a leading indicator by a few weeks. States that have higher vaccination rates are showing that the higher case loads do not lead to a spike in hospitalizations or deaths. Again, play it conservative for a bit longer to see how things shake out.
  5. Me too, Millions of front line health care workers have chosen to get vaccinate cause they've seen what a sick Covid patient is like and would rather be vaccinated than risk the opposite.
  6. I'm not ignoring it at all. Public policy is trying to stay ahead of the curve by making recommendations more stringent than what may be necessary. You act as if we're back to March 2020 when we basically couldn't leave our homes unless we were essential workers. This was from the Federal/State level where we were all shut down. Now we have sporadic places that feel the need to enact some more stringent measures and the sky is falling down to you.
  7. Because it's their choice to do so.
  8. I'm not sure why it's so hard to grasp when it's smacking us all in the face. We need to vaccinate as many people as possible to get ourselves out if this. Natural immunity is an option as well but that's not going to break this cycle nearly as fast as mass vaccinating will. Look at states with high rates of vaccinated. Low deaths, low hospitalizations even though cases have gone up.
  9. Yep, we good in MA. Vaccinations good.
  10. Wake me up when the hospitalizations and deaths drop down again.
  11. Nice. Reminds me of Cliffs of Moher. I took a similar shot to this one.
  12. Hopefully this agenda works. We're seeing States with lower vaccination rates seeing large month over month increase. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/05/covid-vaccinations-more-than-double-in-arkansas-mississippi-louisiana-alabama.html
  13. I've also been looking into this brand of Lawn Care products after reading up on them. https://andersonsplantnutrient.com/turf/lawn-landscape https://andersonshumates.com/ Similar to Jonathan Green where it all starts from the soil.
  14. Let me know when Summer arrives for an extended period, It's been on hiatus for for 30 days save for a couple days last month.
  15. Will do. My plan is hopefully broad treatment will know down most of my weed issues suck that I only need to do spot treatments in the future.
  16. Pool full again. Gonna need to drain in for the 4th time in a month.
  17. Any you know exactly who I blame for the current predicament you're in.
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