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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Spent the afternoon in Enfield with my cousin. Drove thru some hick places in CT to get there. Tolland was one of them. Had I’ve cream at Collins Creamery.
  2. Gonna be a pool afternoon. All cleaned and ready to go. Mid 70s and moist out already.
  3. We moist dews in upper 60s. It’s shot up 6F over last hour.
  4. Looking forward to some pool time tomorrow. Gonna need to drain off some after the 4.8".
  5. What you said. I'll be getting it as well. My bet is by October/November, we see the FDA give full approval for Pfizer and maybe even Moderna's mRNA vaccines. This will allow boosters to be give unless we see the EUA broadened to include them prior to full FDA approval. I don't want to risk contracting the virus. Seen far too many friends/family contract it with some cases being severe, including hospitalization. Hell one of own own Forum members died from it.
  6. I have no problem with the WH mandating vaccines for Federal employees. It didn't take an order from the Owner of my company to get people vaccinated. We all jumped at the chance once they 1st became available.
  7. So the WH is mandating every US citizen be vaccinated?
  8. And they're in the minority in this country. Masks, properly worn, have proven to reduce transmission rates, so I have no problem if places want to implement those as they choose. Vaccine mandates aren't being made at the State/Local level towards citizens, so not sure your point there. If a business wants their employees vaccinated, that's their prerogative as we've given business the same rights as citizens for the most pat in this Country.
  9. I'm not looking at it like those at all. That's what you think we are.
  10. You saying everyone needs to be vaccinated makes no sense. Not everyone will be vaccinated. That's impossible for a multitude of reasons. But we have a long way to go to reach levels that are acceptable and no longer pandemic.
  11. I'm gonna guess guess there data set is far more accurate than yours.
  12. Your deaths are high for flu. I'd say ideally, if we know Covid is under control globally, and we have widespread distribution of various vaccines that can be used in different parts of World, we should see deaths in the same realm as the seasonal flu. What we have found out though is Covid is not seasonal and can be a year round virus, so we are likely to see a greater emphasis placed on it than the flu when it comes to vaccinations and time period between dosing. Maybe it's once every 6-9mo. Who knows until more efficacy data comes in from the ongoing long term trials.
  13. Yep. That's been the going science for quite some time.
  14. We're already there in this State.
  15. Yep. If the Media has the watcher losing interest in a storyline than they stop watching and revenues drop. They've had a captive audience for a year plus for many and they have kept the narrative going. It's why I can't take watching much, if any, at all.
  16. And those Countries can implements restrictions far more easily than we can here as a Nation.
  17. Don't know why this is such a hard concept to grasp.
  18. Because deaths and hospitalizations will be dropping due to the fact that we know there is a correlation to being vaccinated and there being a low risk of those 2 subsequent effects occurring.
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