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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Why should we respect opinions that are not based on actual science/data?
  2. It's never going to be purely informative or constructive. There are far too many differing viewpoints, opinions, and beliefs in what the truth is. Many just can't purely post about information without interjecting their emotions towards others viewpoints. This stems from how long some have been interacting with each other over the better part of 2 decades. Phin, while new to this subforum, has been around for a long time and has a strong opinionated view that conflict with others and there is no rule against other members from other subforums from posting in here if they so choose. I've wanted to keep this dicussion as apolitical as possible but it's clear that's not going to occur. If you're all of the belief that we should have this discussion continue moving forward, what would you like to see/not see from a moderating perspective? We've become pretty loose but some stuff clearly crosses the line for some.
  3. Time to dry out. Just in time for my Contractor to bang out the framing for addition.
  4. 21 more days till this thread goes bye-bye. Than maybe we separate or y'all can just fire up a new thread here where all this "discussion" shouid have been in the 1st place. https://www.americanwx.com/bb/forum/5-off-topic/
  5. You go Ar-Kansas but the Delta variant is MEH so i've been told for those that are unvaccinated. Average age of those hospitalized has dropped drastically. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid19-arkansas-hospitalizations-icu-beds-asa-hutchinson/ Republican Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson tweeted on Monday that "there are currently only eight ICU beds available in the state" as the region and the rest of the U.S. grapples with a surge of COVID infections fueled in part by the highly contagious Delta variant. The Arkansas Department of Health reported on Monday that a total of 1,376 people are hospitalized due to the coronavirus, which surpasses a record high of 1,371 hospitalizations recorded on January 11. State data also shows more than 500 people have been admitted to the ICU and nearly 300 people infected with COVID are on ventilators. https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/local/covid-hospitalizations-at-record-high-in-nwa/527-6da9424c-6fc8-4ab5-a274-0b27861a389f
  6. 1/4" over last 24hr. 5.05" for Aug/ 8.68" in July/ 3.03" in June.
  7. What does that have to do with heads of ERs coming on the news to speak of it?
  8. But population dense with most living along the coastlines.
  9. Florida report 120. That's not acceptable.
  10. These are acceptable numbers to me. @PhineasC 7 day average deaths are under 2.
  11. Been out and about doing my business since May last year.
  12. I think the majority of Colleges/Universities in MA are going this route.
  13. Don't work at all or aren't 100% effective?
  14. It's become far more politicized now that we've got vaccines out there and we as a Country are virtually wide open again. There's polarizing talking points on both sides with little acceptance or compromise about some ways we can move forward and not backwards to where we were.
  15. I don't think it's too much to ask for less political leans and member trashing. Anyone can post in whatever sub forum they want and this is a weather forum, not a political one.
  16. So the "let er rip" crowd are ok with ~175,000k deaths a year with Covid. US averaging 500 deaths a day right now. That would place it in the top 5 for causes of death.
  17. Take the politics to another forum.
  18. Waze shows us the way. I-90 to I-84 and got off in Tolland, passed Kloter Farm, up Rt 140, to Enfield
  19. Lol. I live with Chronic Leukemia. Jumped to the front of the line to get the chip implant.
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