It's never going to be purely informative or constructive. There are far too many differing viewpoints, opinions, and beliefs in what the truth is. Many just can't purely post about information without interjecting their emotions towards others viewpoints. This stems from how long some have been interacting with each other over the better part of 2 decades. Phin, while new to this subforum, has been around for a long time and has a strong opinionated view that conflict with others and there is no rule against other members from other subforums from posting in here if they so choose. I've wanted to keep this dicussion as apolitical as possible but it's clear that's not going to occur.
If you're all of the belief that we should have this discussion continue moving forward, what would you like to see/not see from a moderating perspective? We've become pretty loose but some stuff clearly crosses the line for some.